The lady whom the quilt is for came by and laid them out the way she wanted the blocks to face. She ended up doing it differently from the original pattern where all blocks faced the same direction and instead had them to pretty randomly left, right, up and down.
Now I'm busily trimming everything down to 12" and then all the blocks will be turned into a queen-size quilt. One more month to go!
We decided on a pieced backing and on stippling with off-white thread in the muslin strips only so that the blue and green strips pop up, similar to my burgundy floating coins quilt (which I keep wanting to call cathedral quilt because of the see-through effect :) but that name is a bit to grave and pompous for a babyquilt, no?)
We had lunch after our layout session and I served pumpkin ravioli. I found the recipe through Zonnah's blog - she kept having it on her weekly meal plan so I thought it must be good to have it 2-3 times a week ;) - it is!
My guest brought dessert in form of these awesome dessert pizzas:

It's a sugar cookie with cream cheese icing and fresh fruit (my first question was: where did you get the fruit this time of year? You'd think I'd be used to the amenities of global transport these days but I still expect to find only cabbage, potatoes and apples this time of year :)
the quilt squares are neat. Pumpkin ravioli - I will have to look and see the recipe.
I like the layout a lot. The randomness gives it a sense of movement that is really appealing.
I saw Zonnah list that pumpkin ravioli and I wondered about it. I'm going to have to try it.
That is going to be one very striking quilt!!!
I really really like this quilt!!! Wonderful! Really. Looks so nice on my little blog roll.
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