In true quilting fashion, I took the quilt top with me to do some hand stitching in the hotel last night (part of that worktrip I mentioned in the last blog entry).

I have 4 patches done (i.e. white-black-white-black), and though I was debating whether it would have been better to pin it for now, then quilt it and THEN stitch on the edges to shape it (to avoid any bunching from quilting-related tugging), I think it will be okay, as I pinned it pretty well

and am planning to hand quilt around the hexagons and pentagons anyway.

It's looking fantastic!
I forgot to post this, but I use spray glue for any projects that are about 60 X 80 and it works really really well. You must do the quilting within 48 hrs, but oh my it sure saves time with all the pinning stuff. I buy the big can at Fabricland.
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