Wow, I just added a lot of blogs to my blog watch bar on the menu (to the right). In fact, I'm following so many blogs now, that I had to decrease the number of them being shown in the menu to 10, or this page would be going on and on and on. I think you can still see them all if you click "show all" at least I can, when I'm logged in, I haven't tried it as a guest.
I just wanted to send an anonymous "Way to go, you make beautiful quilts" out to all those great craftsters out there - if I commented everywhere, I'd never get any work done :) In fact, my coffee break is over... more quilt blogs to discover later!
1 week ago
Hey, Thanks for adding my blog to your list! I'm honored to be on the same list with Crazy Mom Quilts and Oh Fransson!, among others :-)
Thanks Christine, you are right. There are so many wonderful crafter/bloggers out there, and it is hard to keep up. But what a wealth of inspiration!
I know what you mean but isn't it fun seeing everyone s projects?
and quilts for inspiration!
Oh I know what you mean....I gave up quilting forums because there is so much eye candy in blog land. I thought I was cutting back on my computer time....yeah right....I'm up to 50 blogs in my Google Reader and I've been doing this only since February LOL.
I have quite a few on my sidebar also. These are the ones I visit regularly. Then there are those in my favorites that I look at to see what's up and also I think that if one posts regularly with you and gives encouragement, then they should be on the sidebars. I have my coffee and visit that way too, although I am retired, blogging certainly does take up time, what with reading and commenting and all...
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