I may have mentioned to you before that my quilt room is a bit cramped. The lamp in the photo below is hanging on a piece of rope strung between my closet and the curtain rod (and sometimes holds drying fabrics too), and the ironing board is set up just to the left of the photo - I use it so frequently that I've given up putting it away in between.

When I got home from work yesterday, I went straight to the machine to sew on the Wildflower Serenade quilt - it's a beautiful way to relax, especially after a day filled with a very long, very, very boring seminar.

For this story, you also need to know that I'm a slipper-wearing but strictly no-shoes-sewing-machine-person:

So guaranteed, every time I'm in the middle of a seam, the phone will ring. The phone is in the kitchen, far far away. And this is how the mad dash begins.
First, get up and out of the corner without hitting my knee on the metal filing cabinet under the sewing machine and without getting caught in the lamp/laundry line.

Race out of the quilt room - clonk, flop, clonk, flop because only one foot has a slipper on...

Through the hallway...

Towards the kitchen (and past the envelope I've been using to cut out diamonds for a flaming star hand-pieced mini-quilt)...

Last few steps towards the phone...

Reach and hope that I beat the answering machine, which is set to the maximum number of rings before kicking in, precisely because of this mad-dash-re-occurrence.

Every time AFTER that first mad dash, I smarten up and take the phone to the quilting room.

And just in case you didn't notice on my first picture, I have a stash of chocolate covered bridge mix next to the machine - it's perfect for those days when I get so absorbed that I forget about supper... this way I don't faint from starvation at midnight!

It sounds like you are in need of a little more space. I have the same situation of not having enough room for all of my sewing stuff. My ironing board is far away from my sewing machine, so it makes for many trips back and forth. I think I get some exercise that way :-)
Oh Christine that was so dang funny. Thanks for the morning laugh :0)
this is so funny. you definitely need to get some more room though! and always bring the phone with you, that way you can get in more quilting time. :)
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