I was only slightly upset that they draped this quilt after I painstakingly sewed on sleeves, hrumpf! *grins*
I'm glad I put the orange/red and purple zinger circles on the quilt, imagine it without them!

Here's a section that's not quite finished - something will go between the circles in the light green border, some kind of connecting motif...

The lighting at the show wasn't ideal, it was also already dark out, but you can just make out the outline quilting around the square shapes/strips.

What does this make you think of? Lilypads that a frog just jumped on to cause the concentric circles? Planets?

Here you can see the creative vine ranking along the border, it's growing square flowers with squares inside them.

Circles, circles, circles...

Who knows, I might be stitching on this quilt in years to come, adding to it when I feel like it :)
It's such a super soft quilt (thanks to the fabrics, some kind of special weave), I'm guaranteed to use that one when I feel under the weather and want to be cozy!
how big was this quilt? it is so cool. i love it. adding quilting here and there as you get the whim sounds fun.
Love this quilt but it does need a little more quilting. No hurry if you are happy with it as is though LOL.
This is one of my favorite quilts of yours. Too bad they didn't use the sleeve, but it still looks just wonderful!
I really like your composition
and many people are very selective of their quilt placement.
Gorgeous quilting! I think your two pops of colors really make the quilt. That's so cool that with hand quilting you can go back and add more quilting at a later date.
your quilting looks great - i really like the concentric circles!
oh, very cool :D I love the circles in the light green border.
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