After a couple of minor mishaps in the cutting process - no harm done as there was enough spare fabric... - the blocks came together in a few hours!

The rows were completed quickly as well, though I ran into the usual problesm that come with not squaring up the blocks...
I made the quilt a bit bigger than the instructions called for and am using all the blocks on the front as well, instead of leaving 6 for the back of the quilt.

I got to this stage (below), all rows joined for the center of the quilt, when I realized I needed to re-do 3 seams because sashing wasn't lined up.. what a pain :/

Now the top is complete, with sashing lined up so that it actually forms a square and not a parallelogram :)

I'll probably stipple this one as I haven't stippled in a while and it does give the quilt a nice texture. Also, the Apples and Owls quilt finish from the other day has given me such a boost, I want that feeling of finishing a big quilt again - so I'm going for speed here! :)
I'm getting ready to make a quilt for my teen girls. I showed them this quilt--they fell in love. Where did you get the pattern?
this is absolutely stunning! i love it
Oooo I love this quilt!! Very Cool :o)
Holy moly is that stunning!
Oh Franson really has some nice patterns and quilt alongs on her site
I love the title "mod" since I am dating myself here...I remember fabrics like that in my teens. Yours look a lot better in your quilt...look real good as a matter of fact.
You've put together another winner, here! Love it.
This is fabulous! That was a great idea to use the squares intended for the back on the front side to make it bigger. I love the solids and prints that you combined.
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