Let me introduce you to baby quilt #1, the Love U in green.
I made it using charms from this charm pack by Moda (bottom right):

I started off similar to the Free As A Bird quilt (still in progress, still hunting for grey fabric for the last border, *sigh*), but I picked just green/yellow/white prints and paired them with solid green squares. I'm making this quilt as a hand-quilting project (same as the next one I'll introduce in a couple of days) so I wanted a simple design with not too many seams.

here are the squares pinned together into columns - it's a beauty how quick charm quilts are when you just sew patches together :)

Sometimes I'm lazy and instead of writing out labels to number the rows or columns, I just put pins into the top square to count the sets :)

I must have paid attention to my seams in this quilt, because I only ran into two problem situations with seams not quite matching up as I joined the columns together... yippee, it's a good day when... ("the seams match"; "the binding seams don't fall on a corner"; "the fabric dyes don't run"... :)

And lastly, I picked some matching fabric for a quick border, I did the "interrupted" style again, it's a bit of work matching the corner pieces as I'm also lazy and don't bother measuring, I just eye-ball :) It all works out in the end!

This quilt is now basted with some nice flanelette as backing and ready for its first stitches. I'll probably keep it simple, with outlines of all or just the green squares and something fun in the broad border!
A very gender-neutral baby-quilt, don't you think? :)
i love that border and that idea with the pins is genius. i hate writing out numbers and pinning them on and then worrying that i will lose them and then have no idea where it goes.
so cute! I need to start keeping track of my rows and columns more...I'm always sewing things in the wrong order.
I love your "it's a good day when..." sentiments :)
Great quilt! And I use the pins to count the rows too! How cool is that? I thought I must be the only one. But it just makes the most sense to me. Lane
Lovely! Definitely a good gender-neutral quilt.
What a sweet little quilt!! I'm impressed with your eyeballing abilities. Had to laugh at your list of good things on this quilt...I hate it when a seam ends up in a corner :0)
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