I like the pattern. And, from here, can't see any missed points. Like Eleanor Burns says, sometimes you have to "hang 'em high and keep 'em moving." LaneI have to say I really like that saying! I guess I need an attic window for that purpose, right? :)
I put a couple of borders on the quilt and that framing effect made all the difference for me.
How do you like the little corner blocks? They were way more tricky than I anticipated - long story :)

I've got the backing almost done and am hoping to get this finished in time for the next guild meeting which might be next week!
I like the little corners...you had me with the colour green...my favorite. It looks great...are you going to machine quilt or hand quilt?
Love it. Looks great. Isn't it funny how the parts of a quilt you assume would be the easiest turn out to be the trickiest?
The Mystery quilt is looking great!
WOW the borders made all the difference in the world, it makes this little quilt just POP!!
Wow! my name in lights! I like the little squares in the corners and the border you've added. Take care. Lane
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