Here's a view of most of the quilt, with some of the backing and the one lonely raw edge still to be bound :)

Now some concentric circles in full force (I like them a lot!):

The city-scape or bargraph (depending if I feel metropolitan or scientific) was simply outlined with a line approx. 1/4" from the seam.

Here's the start of the border quilting. Circles on the inner one, I'm still figuring out what to do in between, I have some ideas.
And in the outer, darker border, I'm quilting a vine but instead of flowers there are diamonds quilted in between, to repeat the round/edgy theme of this quilt.

And, with raw edge and still some visible basting thread, this quilt is in full use already!

it looks so great. i love love the circles
Agree. The circles look awesome!
Great looking quilt, it made me laugh to see that you are sleeping under it already LOL.
Absolutely gorgeous! I love your design, the circles and the amazing quilting. Beautiful job!
That looks great!
What a neat quilt ... love the quilting too.
I love this! I love the colors and the weaving bit and the quilting
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