There's something about hand-quilting that just looks more traditional, isn't there???

Or maybe I just choose square quilt-patterns that I wouldn't do with free-motion (wobbly straight lines for me) or a walking foot (too much turning) machine quilting.
I find that printed flanelette on the back makes the quilting and any mistakes disappear, but you can see the pattern even on this small picture.

As mentioned, I did concentric squares in the solid green blocks. The prints are MODA Love U, I picked all the green and yellow prints and substitute a few from my stash to reach the right number.

For the border, I tried another stencil out of my collection - I'm usually more a fan of wavy lines, but the straight edges of this braid seemed to suit this quilt.

Now that I look at it on the photo, the briad reminds me of a strand of DNA ;) Such a science geek, hahaha!
I might yet stich in the ditch around the little yellow squares in the 4 corners, they look a bit lonely right now, and that wouldn't take too much effort.

Overall, despite taking quite a while (4 or 5 months, I think), I'm glad I hand-quilted this quilt and even more glad that it's done!

I won't even show you a picture of my pour right middle finger (the one that I use to push the needle through). My ring finger is starting to have the same hole in it, because I switched over when the middle finger was too damaged to touch a needle ;) It'll heal, and it better, because I still have about 3 circles to quilt on my BIG hand-quilting project, the Imagination 1 quilt, and that must be done for the quilt show! (Though I bet no one would notice a half circle in among all the concentric circles! So the pressure to finish is only moderate - apart from my pride!)
Soon, I'll be ready to baste and quilt the Filmstrip Cafe quilt, still debating quilting options. I might do parallel straight lines on it, as I've seen it on other quilts and liked it. Oh well, time for another anti-strep-throat pill, ugh.
This looks fantastic! I'm working on a hand-quilting project now, and I'm not sure it's for me. Yours looks beautiful. Do you use a different kind of batting for hand-quilting?
P.S. I had strep earlier this year, and it was just awful. I hope you're feeling better soon.
this looks so great...your quilting always looks amazing. hope your finger feels better...i usually have a sore finger after binding a quilt so i can not imagine how your finger feels after a whole quilt.
I love the quilt!
Try using Colonial's ThimblePads. It is a little leather patch with adhesive on the back. I went out the other day and forgot to take it off...Oh well, at least I cleaned all the threads off of me...LOL!!!
Oh Christine, it looks beautiful!! A hand quilted quilt looks so different than a machine one.....more traditional (but then I'm a big bias LOL
Absolutely gorgeous! I love your handquilting. The concentric squares are perfect for this and the braids are so pretty on the borders
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