One thing I'm not quite sure about is the red border - all the fabrics in this quilt are from the Cogsmo fabric line (very very nice fabric, feels great!), except the white and the red with dots on the border. In hindsight, I don't really like the red border, maybe it's too busy? I'm hoping that it'll grow on me over time! I love the stripy binding though :)

Tried myself on the outline quilting. Straight lines, hmm. They sure highlight every time my squares aren't perfectly aligned! Oops ;)

I used the jungle print flanelette for the backing again:

Funnily enough, I've seen a few recent robot-themed quilts in the blogging world since I started working on this one - must the the season for robots???
I think it's a beautiful quilt! I like the red binding but understand that creation is a personal thing. I've been unhappy before with choices on quilts but really my moms advice would be how does it look best from far away. This was always a test for her to see if material "worked" together.
Ah you know I like the red border. It makes the frame for your quilt.
I would never outline my squares...lol. boy oh boy you brave girl showing that you were "off" just a bit on the squares. But maybe it was the sewing thing where I have trouble sewing straight lines.
Looks amazing anyway you'r not going to show it at Paducka right?
Personally I love the red border, frames it very nicely. It is a pretty quilt.
Yeah for robot quilts! This one looks great. I love the fabric, and I think the red border makes it pop!
P.S. I'm following your blog now :) Thanks for having all of the quilting tutorials in one spot!
Hi Christine! Thanks for stopping b my blog and leaving such lovely comments about my quilts.
I actually don't have a PEI connection. I started reading LMM's books (starting with Anne of Green Gables of course) when I was about 11 or 12. I just love her books, and think that she was a very interesting woman. I've done quite a bit of research into her life, and have actually written a few articles about both her and her books.
I hope you do come back to my blog sometime; I also really enjoy finding other Canadian quilters!
That was fast, I'm impressed! I always like the checkerboard look, and the robots are cute.
I love the red border. I think it looks great. What a fun quilt. And who cares that your pieces don't line up. I love seeing other quilters who aren't perfect. Mine never match up either, which is why I have put off quilting like this. Maybe I'll give it a try though.
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