Ah, the days are gone when I had time to browse many blogs every day, write comments and reply promptly to comments on my own posts, let alone post like clock-work! Such is the life when a job involves field work and a busy summer season alternating with a dead-quiet winter season :)
I did however have time to put in some fabric orders that I'm really excited about. I've been working quite a bit on my Moda Wonderland baby quilt with the Irish Chain pattern - the border is almost done!
Probably because I've been looking at Wonderland fabric a lot that way, I'm craving more quilts with those prints, so I've been searching Etsy and had success.
All those Wonderland prints in the pics above will find a home with me soon, plus some different colour ways if they were available!
Aaaah, Wonderland! So beautiful...
I read that it's out of print, but has been re-printed. Some posts will sell the original prints for 7.50$ and up per FAT QUARTER!!! Insane! I'm not sure if there's an actual difference between originals and reprints - I'd probably not spot it!
Not only that, but of course I found OTHER fabrics I wanted as well!
It's just like grocery shopping - especially without a list. I never come out with just the 3 items I needed...
Besides the Freebird fabrics above, I also found these treasures:
I ordered all the above prints from spiceberrycottage and buttercuppityfabric and both were great in responding to my querries, stuffing envelopes full of fabric to the max to save on shipping and setting up custom listings. Now the packages are on their way - that makes checking for mail so much more exciting!
I also bought these batiks - 4", 5" and 6.5" squares pre-cut, that'll be so convenient and the prices were absolutely decent! Purchased at materialgirlchic!

Happy Quilting to me, eh??? To you, too!
What's your favourite out of all my purchases???
Tweedle Dee Sugar is fun but I LOVE the owls. So much fun! Enjoy your purchases!
it will be sad not for you not to be posting so much but i understand sometimes other things in life trump blogging. :o)
those fabrics are so gorgeous
Hmmmm hard to pick a favorite. This style of fabric has been calling my name lately, but I'm being good and ignoring it...for now :0)
Don't worry about not blogging much, it seems that many have slowed down, yesterday I had 19 blogs in my Google Reader and this morning there are only 5. Everyone is busy this summer :0)
All look wonderful, but I like the batiks the best, especially the brighter ones on top.
I love this wonderland line, too. I used some charms to make a baby quilt last fall.
What kind of work do you do? Your winter/spring busyness schedule has me wondering :)
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