Here's an update on actual quilting, as opposed to fabric splurging.
During a weekend trip a couple of weeks ago, I sewed the binding and wall-hanging sleeves on the animal quilt for my grandma (more about they reason behind this quilt here).

I put part of a pillow case I got at a second hand shop on the back, since no one will see that side anyway. I still have the duvet cover matching the pillow case and wanted to see how that fabric looks quilted. I had bought it originally to make a whole-cloth quilt out of it, for a really really fast quilt to relax in between the intricate ones. Then I thought maybe the fabric is too faded, but I think it's okay...

As you can see, I did a simple stitch-in-the-ditch for this quilt. I considered hand-quilting it, but I'm doing a lot of that these days it seems - another reason for the less frequent blog updates, I guess. So I opted for machine and simple instead.
Now, the binding... I hummed and hahed about this for quite a while. In the end I picked a fabric I really like, but I'm not so sure it goes well with the quilt...

It's almost too orangy, or too strong for it. I could ask your opinion, and I'd love to read it but you all know I won't take the binding off again :) But hey, maybe some of your opinion will mean I make a better decision next time. And who knows, maybe some of you like this binding?
As a side note - have you noticed how when any of us blog about a quilt WE think is ugly, no one ever agrees? The comments all read "No, it's lovely, send it to me if you don't like it!". I guess the people who agree that the quilt is ugly don't comment ;)
Boy oh boy, I'm totally setting myself up for comments a la "yes, that binding is horrid!" *LOL*
Hello, found your blog through Amy's quilt hop. Love your work. Added you to blogs I like to follow on my blog. Have a good week!
hey it turned out great!!!
I thought about not leaving a comment...just to be a stinker LOL. Actually I think the binding is just fine, in the first picture I didn't even notice it, so it fits in well. Your Grandma is going to love this quilt :0)
I really like the binding color! I think that duvet will be great as a whole cloth quilt. The cross hatch quilting looks nice on it.
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