I printed this pattern for a monkey wrench block out AGES ago! Literally within months of starting this blog, which does feel like ages ago :) Well, 273 posts could be ages ago, eh?

I did a bit of adapting because I didn't agree with the measurements in the pattern - some of the triangles were much too big - I like to avoid cropping when I can and just have the triangles 'fit' to begin with.
I made a test block - yes, I totally learned from that darn cat quilt project that's still 'abandoned' because I cut all the pieces and then realized I miscalculated! - it's in the top left corner of this pictures and worked out well.

So I went ahead and cut out pretty much all the shapes using one brown background fabric and various greens. As I mentioned previously, I've accumulated quite a big green stash and it's time to use some of it up...
... so I can buy more, harharhar!
I decided to build the quilt up slightly different, by making 3 types of blocks. A solid brown one (8" square), a green one made up of 4 green triangles (triangles made from 6" squares), and this pieced block (which is a monkey wrench minus one layer of triangles):

So I got to mass-producing my 30 blocks...

Look at the brown green houses ;)

I carefully avoided having two of the same greens touching in a block. The complete monkey wrench block in this picture was one of my practice blocks.

Truly mass-produced...

Here's my final layout, now you can really see the pattern!

If you want to make this quilt:
For a 5x6 block layout (approx 12" blocks for a quilt ~60"x70"), you need the following:
60 - 2.5" squares
30 - 3.5" squares (cut diagonally to get 60 triangles)
30 - 4.5" squares (cut diagonally to get 60 triangles)
10 - 8" squares (leave whole)
9 - triangles (cut from 8" squares)
2 - triangles (cut from 6" square)
60 - 2.5" squares
30 - 3.5" squares (cut diagonally to get 60 triangles)
30 - 4.5" squares (cut diagonally to get 60 triangles)
30 - 6" squares squares (cut diagonally to get 60 triangles)
Oooo I love this color combination!! Very Very pretty!!
Gorgeous colors! I really love the contrast in them.
I love this design! Very cool.
this looks so great
Thanks for sharing your block construction on this! I love chain piecing and production line sewing like this
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