I was out of cotton batting but found a bunch of poly batting that's been waiting to be used up.

And then I started quilting - a very cool pattern, too (I'll show you later).
All went smoothly until I got to this corner. Looks odd, somehow, didn't it? Go back to the top of this post and check out the full quilt and see how long it takes you to notice.
Did any of you spot the mistake in the first photo??? Let me know!!!

Here's the same section with the block rotated properly. Are all the little hairs on the back of your neck flattening down again? It just felt wrong before the correction of the block position!

Don't ask me how, but I somehow managed to take out enough basting pins to sew the square back in by machine - the hand-sewing had seemed daunting and I didn't want to applique because the fabric underneath wasn't solid of course, just a 1/4 strip to sew on to.

Here's the block sewed back in. It's not perfect, especially since I couldn't iron the seams flat, and I have a bit of a bump in one corner, but I'll just quilt that flat, no problemo!

And to end on a positive note: here's the quilting I've done so far (all the green is done now, I'm picking a pattern for the brown right now) - I'm loving the effect, and wait till I show you the backing!! (another post ;)

Polyester batting sure make a quilt fluffy!
the quilting is so beautiful...i did not even see that mistake.. even when you pointed it out it was hard for me to find
I say, you only leave mistakes in if you can live with it. I would've taken that one out, too, the pattern was too disrupted. Your time was well spent, your quilting lines help the design be fluid, and best of all, you'll be so proud of this one!
Beautiful Quilting!! Nope I didn't see it...even went back to look and still didn't see it until I studied the OOPS photo more, I'm so observant LOL.
I couldn't spot the mistake either (still can't in the first photo), but when you see it up close, it does look obvious, so it's a good thing that you were able to fix it.
I love the quilting you've done so far. This quilt is a stunner!
I don't think I would have noticed the block switch if you hadn't pointed it out. The greens look really pretty when paired with the solid brown. It's very foresty!
And the quilting within the green pieces is stunning! It makes the movement within the quilt even more dramatic.
Didn't spot it! As the Amish say, only God is perfect, so leave the mistake in. Love the quilting.
I tuned in late. What machine and technique did you use to quilt this? Very nice!
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