Holy moley! I basted and quilted the basic outlines on both baby quilts last night and sewed the top side of the binding on by this morning. I'm on a drive for these two quilts it seems!
I'll get them bound this weekend and decide on what kind of extra quilting - if any - I want for each quilt.
I've outlined the beige and starry blue border on the polar bear quilt and the panels really pop out since the batting on that quilt is fairly thick; on the cutlery quilt, I've outlined the red-brown cutlery zig-zag pattern going through the quilt and am considering an overall pattern to fill in the areas in between (pale green and blue) to make the zig-zag lines pop out. Maybe waves or loops... or maybe something more complicated for practice! I've drawn great inspiration from Diane Gaudinsky's blog (see my blog bar) and her breath-taking machine free-motion quilting.
Sorry, no pics today, but probably finished quilts next week :)
1 week ago
sounds like you are moving along, looking forward to seeing the finished quilts.
You do really seem to be on a mission with these quilts. I'm looking forward to seeing the finale.
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