Do any of you get weird comments with asian characters and obscene words in between? I mean, someone must be taking the time to go to my blog, type the comment and also fill in the security word etc. Pretty determined spammers!
It sucks when I see a new comment and then it's garbage - kind of like getting a letter in the mail and it's just a bill or an ad...
1 day ago
I've had that happen to me too, many months ago. Some people are really sick!!
i have had that several times but without the nasty words...i have just deleted it. but they are such a bummer.
awww! that;s a bummer! that happened to me before, but i found it stopped after i disallowed anonymous comments. while it is a bummer that people without accounts can't comment on my blog, i'd rather have that than obscene and offensive messages. not to mention the disappointment when i receive the new comment email to only discover it is gibberish. :)
my spam filter normally catches all of that garbage but now and then one slips through - I have it set up though that I need to approve all comments so I am able to catch it. After I approve someone once or twice then I don't need to do that step and their comments are let through.
Sorry. I'm sending a happy *smile* to give you something better to look at!
Oh you know what I get are just letters etc but no words. One day there were about a dozen of them on the site, and I just though someone had too much time on their hands.
It will pass....I thought you were going to blog about the comments about the Olympics...that too means some people have nothing better to do than critize this wonderful drama!
It's so weird. I've gotten a few recently, and they're always on really old posts.
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