I've had a productive switch-over from 2009 and 2010.
I finished the Apple-Worm baby quilt:

I echo-quilted around the apple/leaf/stem/worm, quilted lines onto the worm and pebbled the apple.

I consider this quilt done, but if the fancy strikes me, I'll add a face to the worm... maybe.

Found this cute bouncing-frogs flanelette for the backing, bounce, bounce!

This quilt came out at 27" x 36" - pre-wash :)
I finished two more quilts, and you never guess which ones because I hadn't really started them yet ;) Stay tuned!
What a cute quilt and I really love the frogs on the back!
It is feeling like Canada way down here in Alabama - 13 degrees this AM. Hope you have a wonderful New Year!
I love the little frogs, so very very cutsy!
Oh dear it seems to be cold everywhere even in beautiful British Columbia...not as cold as here but cold.
Good work Christine!
this is so fun....what a cute little worm
That quilt is so darn cute and I love the backing fabric :0)
Ok, I'm intrigued, how do you finish two quilts you haven't started LOL.
Such a cute quilt! The frogs are darling too :-) Looks like you are off to a great start for the New Year!
Love the echo quilting! Very cute quilt.
love the little frogs, so very very cutsy!
Work from home India
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