I've been nominated for a blogging award, a Lemonade Stand Award, to be specific!
How exciting! Leslie of Fluff&Nonsense thought me worthy - thanks so much Leslie!
Go have a look at her blog, she's always writing neat posts, has some artsy additions to her blog like bird silhouettes on a wire, feeding the fish... and she's just a natural receiver for this award - I mean, she has a citrus-fruit clock on her blog ;)
I also got very warm and fuzzy on the inside when I read the nice comments Nanci of Quilting at the Cottage left on Leslie's blog post!
To accept the award I have to:
- Put the Lemonade logo on my blog or within my post.
- Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude.
- Link the nominees within my post.
- Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link to the person from whom I received this award.
weren't those really nice things of Nanci to say? you are too kind in return. thanks for linking back and i can not wait to see who you choose. i look forward to some new reads!!!
Congrats!!! You really do deserve the lovely award :0)
Awwww. geeeeeeeeee. thanks. I sometimes am really really nice!
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