I did an impromptu corner stone quilting after ripping out some very wonky free-hand flowers.

Unfortunately, the ripped out stitches left little holes behind, so the flower-motif is still there - any tips on how to get those out????
I used this cute jungle/safari flanelette for the backing - I just love flanelette on baby quilt backs. I found this one in a fabric store in Montreal, Quebec.

And, I have one more question for you!
I spent seemingly forever knotting and sewing away the loose thread ends, sigh.

It was a flash back to the wedding bento box quilt - those threads almost made me late for the wedding! I actually started doing the back stitching at the start end end of each quilting line and just snipping the threads. Gasp! And that from me, the thread snob - I used to be so proud that you couldn't see where a seam started on my quilts. But I guess below it all, I'm plain lazy.
So, I'm wondering whether you are a snipper or a knotter/sewer - I guess this is a question for machine quilters only, as the patient hand-quilters among you don't have much of a choice, or do you?
handquilting doesn't have that problem you have to knot each piece of thread at the beginning and the end and you pop the knot in the batting so the knot can not be seen.
Very Cute and I love your quilting!! I see those threads as an evening in front of the tv...mindless work LOL.
It's so amazing what you can do and how fast you learn new techniqes, I'm completely amazed. I know a nice trick to make holes disappear, you have to use steam. Either form a kettle or from an iron, full blast. It make the fabric engorged with water and then holes should disappear as it dryes.
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