After my post the other day, highlighting this - hopefully - last disaster of non-matching corner patterns,

... I pulled this quilt back out and fixed my mistake. Two unnecessary seams later, the top is complete. And it looks good. It's growing on me again.
[A little voice in my hand is whispering frantically that certainly many more things could go wrong with this quilt... I'm ignoring it!]

I do like the effect of the purple corners, it gives the quilt more dimension, no? Like someone took a purple triangle and shoved it between the light and green layers...

Haha, here are the middle wedges, when I had made the side borders too short... see, I can laugh about it now!

And the more I look at these wide open spaces, the more I'm drifting away from my vengeful stippling quilt-plan and am moving instead to diagonal lines through the "chain" and old-fashioned feather circles in the white, in white thread. I love the look of those, white on white, and I feel confident enough to try feathers like that on a proper quilt, yet still small-scale!

First things first though! Basting :)
I'll leave you with a fridge-magnet quote - this purchase was a direct result of some fun email-conversations about books I've had recently with my name sake from Bella Linguini. We both like Kurt Vonnegut books a lot, so this magnet caught my eye - though I'd never known before what the guy looks like :)

I think he sums it up very well...
Oh, this is fantastic! I have to say your new quilting plan does sound great. I think I'd go with the feather circles too.
I love the stippling effect that would be in the middle, but you could do squares too, then variegate the darks.
Squaring up isn't a big deal to me anymore, I've just read the Gees Bend quilting book, and some of theirs which are so fabulous, aren't squared
up, so little things like that makes the work unique.
I like the corners...How big is this one, I spray baste if it's not too big.
I forgot to mention the Vonnegut phrase is so true!
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