In my other class, we've been working on a log cabin pattern. It has a yellow or read square in the center, representing the hearth of the log cabin, and then the logs layered around it to look like a log cabin seen from above. Here's my progress from Saturday night:
Here are the pieces laid out in the right order:

You sew one on after the other, turning left in between to align the next seam. It helps to chain-sew them together, saves some thread and gets you a kite-tail like string in the end:

You end up with four of these:

And they can be aligned in oodles of different arrangements:

I settled on this one:

since we're only using one block in our sampler quilt. For a big quilt I'd probably use the second last pattern that makes the quilt look like a triangle pattern.
I find quilting really engaging. My cheeks get hot and red because I'm concentrating on my perfect edges. I guess quilting works well with perfectionists, because if you're a millimeter off, in the end it ends up to an 5 cm since there are so many blocks to sew together. I'm especially excited to see the final product of my big double-sized double Irish chain quilt. I can't really picture the final pattern yet.